
Friday Fictioneers

This time Friday has come and long gone and I can’t believe that I am joining the weekly FF melee almost at the fag end-phew!Well, real life sometimes takes over and one has to patiently wait for a break. I would like to thank all those who came over to read and comment on my post.Will come by later today, to thank you all personally. As we  are all observing FF is becoming more and more popular and to read over 100 entries every week is getting tougher.So,I am going  to chose what many others are already doing.I will come by to read and comment on those  who have been  regularly reading  mine  and those who never fail to return the favour. Needless to say,I will definitely pay a return visit to those who come by  to read  and comment on mine for the first time-that’s what a community is for 🙂

Okay,now that is out of the way,let me get back to the nitty- gritty of FF.Every Friday(okay,okay Wednesday) our wonderful hostess Rochelle Wisoff-Fields cooks up a storm by providing a photo prompt ,based on which writers from all over the globe  rush to spin a 100 word(give or take a few more -or less) story.This week the photo is provided by none other than the very talented Douglas M Macllroy-thank you Doug :-)If you are interested in participating a or reading what others have written, do click on the url and I promise you will be hooked.

My 101 word story(including the title) follows the photo prompt below.


Copyright – Douglas M. MacIlroy




“Is the sea monster going to gobble us all?” asked little Gina.

Tim retorted, “No silly, we are safe under the rafters.” 

“Anyway mermaids are stronger than sea monsters!” Quipped Alice sagely.

The monster was circling around, when suddenly…

“Argh! What are you kids doing under my new cushions?”

‘Oh, no! It’s Mom!” The children groaned.

“Dave, is this how you keep an eye on them?”

Her husband took off the diving helmet and grinned sheepishly.

 “Molly, I thought the kids would enjoy an undersea adventure.”

Rolling her eyes, Molly remarked, “Thank God, you decided to keep the sea away!”

