Guilty pleasure

Friday Fictioneers

Its Thursday here but Friday at FF where our lovely hostess Rochelle Wisoff Fields, has set shop again with an interesting photo prompt.This week the photo prompt is by Erin Leary,thank you Erin .As my  regular readers know,writers from all over the world gather at FF,every Friday, to spin a tale based on this prompt in about 100 words, give or take a few.For more details and rules click on the url

My 97 words follow the photo prompt below.


Copyright – Erin Leary


Dusk fell.

Perkins waited near the foggy path.

His wife was away.

Timing had to be perfect.

He wondered if she would come.

He was dying to taste her…

A shadowy figure appeared.

It was her and she held a small bundle.

His greedy mind conjured up ripe images.

He imagined his teeth sinking into tender skin.

Reaching him, she thrust the bundle at him, “God forgive me! This is insane!”

Perkins grabbed it and ripped off the skin.

Blood dribbled down his chin.

Nothing like a juicy steak! High cholesterol be damned!

“Thanks Sis!”


