55 words


55 Word Challenge: Week Four 2014


The 55 Word Challenge is a contest to write a story in 55 words or less. The challenge begins at noon Eastern time every Wednesday and ends at noon Thursday. The story is based on one of three photo prompts.


This prompt was for last week and though I had submitted it on the blog as per requirement,had not posted it on my blog-so here goes..If any of you is interested in participating just check out the blog at http://www.lisamccourthollar.com/2014/01/55-word-challenge-week-four-2014.html


55 words

 Laura shivered. The hospital really looked dead! Even the staff seemed sinister. But she needed the story for her magazine “Haunted Ohio”. She followed the Doctor inside and felt herself choking.. As her abandoned mortal body turned blue on the cold floor, her spirit floated in that dilapidated, dank corridor along with other ghostly apparitions.


