
Its time to submit my piece for Friday Fictioneers. Rochelle Wisoff-Fields is the wonderful host for this site and every Friday ,around 100 fellow bloggers submit their 100 word stories based on the photo prompt of that week.


Write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.)

Copyright - Ted Strutz

                                            Copyright – Ted Strutz

Here are my 101 words(including the title).




She watched them board the ferry.

The bitch with him was pregnant and he looked happy.

Her face darkened.

He had said he was going to be with his dying mother.

The lying bastard!

Well, she was going to see to it that someone died!


At the busy hospital, no one noticed the mousey intern.

On Thanksgiving Day, the woman delivered a baby boy.

That night, the intern offered to work extra hours in the neo-natal ward.

It was the last time anyone saw her or the baby.

Next morning, the woman was found strangled to death-in her hospital bed.






53 thoughts on “Retribution

    • Maybe but life is grim-if you don’t believe me,just look around-the news channels,the newspapers-everywhere-it is the same-sad but true and hey,not everyone can write light hearted stories,no?Thanks for coming by to read and for your kind comment;-)

    • Ha!ha!Kz-not you too(toodles-now I will never look at my signature in the same “taken for granted” light 😛 )-thanks a ton-yes,sad but true-real life is actually more sinister and dark than our fictional tales

      • Oh my-does she have a blog or writes books?Would love to read her stories-when I was expecting my daughter,my mom was horrified to find ghost stories and murder mysteries under my pillow,when she came visiting,lol!Guess that’;s why my daughter us also like me-loves horror and murder mysteries and ofc ghost stories and yep,she is my sounding board and a writer in the making:-)

      • Am so glad she did and you are doing a great job:-)I am learning too-am very new to all this and am still finding my feet-or should I say fingers?;-)Will be reading your daughter’s stories-give my love to her xx

      • Hey! You write very well . Learning new things is always fun, I’m grateful to word press, I’m learning photography also. Where do you live?

      • Thanks,yes it is fun to learn nw things:-) I just saw your daughter’s pic-she is gorgeous and apparently a very loved celebrity too-am yet to ascertain the nitty gritty :-)Am pleasantly surprised to see that she and I share the same surname 😀 Am at Kolkata-what about you?

      • Oh I visited Vizag way back in 2005 when I was based in Hyd and in June this year passed it on my way to Hyd:-)Yes,we all are Mukkhuje’s ;-)Great to connect like this!Re the late hours-well I have always been a nite owl-earlier it used to be books -since the last decade or so it has been the net-my usual bed time is 3.30-4a.m-terrible no?I tell myself I will change-do it for two days-i mean go to bed at 2 or so but then again I slip,lol!What about you?It is late for you too,no?

      • I am also a night bird. Love to do things at night when its calm and lonely. Now I suffer from insomnia but refuse to take sleeping pills daily.Some day I sleep at 5 Am. We two live alone so its okay but at what time do you get up? Take care ,

      • Oh insomnia is bad-i suffered from that for a short time-abt 4 months when my mom was diagnosed with cancer but like you refused to take meds-and it went away on its own.Oh I get up around 8 or so ,make my hubby’s bf & tiffin and once he leaves at 8.45 I go bk to sleep-my daughter who just started college has different timings-some days 9a,m ,some days a little later-so we adjust-i catch up on extra two hours or so in the mornings and once a week i sleep at a stretch-usually it does the trick but when I tend to overdo,i get migraines-then am forced to sleep,lol!U take care too-will catch up with you again tomorrow-will read some more of your writings too:-)lots of love

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